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Q: In what year was Charles sturt married to charlotte greene?
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Who did Charles Sturt marry?

Sturt married Charlotte Christiana Greene on 20th September 1834.

How old was Charles Sturt when he got married to Charlotte Greene?

54 yrs old

What sort of person was Charles Sturt?

charles sturt was a explorer

What was Charles Sturt's middle name?

Charles Napier Sturt.

What was Charles Sturt's occupation?

Charles Sturt's occupation was Surveyor-General.

When was City of Charles Sturt created?

City of Charles Sturt was created in 1997.

When was Charles Sturt University created?

Charles Sturt University was created in 1989.

Where did Charles Sturt die?

Charles Sturt died of natural causes in England in 1869.

Was Charles Sturt A governor?

No, Charles Sturt was never a Governor of Australia. He was an inland explorer.

What is Charles Sturt University's motto?

The motto of Charles Sturt University is 'For the public good'.

What Is Charles Sturts Parents Names?

The names of Charles Sturt's parents were Thomas Lennox Napier Sturt and Jeanette Sturt.

Where did Charles Sturt become surveyor general?

Charles Sturt was Surveyor-General in South Australia.