

How many citizens in bc?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: How many citizens in bc?
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How did many citizens foreigners and enslaved people lived in Athens in the 400 bc?

43,000 citizens, 100,000 enslaved people, and 35,000 foreigners

The citizens of conquered lands typically became Roman what?

The peoples of the conquered territories became the inhabitants of the provinces of the Roman Empire. Many of them were not citizens because they did not have the concept of citizenship. From 212 BC they became Roman citizens because the emperor Caracalla extended Roman citizens to all free men in the empire.

How many people lived in Athens?

During its Golden Age in the 5th century BC, Athens had a population estimated to be around 250,000 people, including citizens, residents, and slaves. This made Athens one of the largest city-states in ancient Greece.

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What were some of the duties roman citizens had?

Until 107 BC military service was a duty of Roman citizens with a certain amount of property (citizens below a property threshold were exempt). The Roman army was a citizens militia composed mainly of peasant-proprietors. They were drafted during the military campaigning season (March up to October) and then went back to the farms. A reform of the military in 107 BC made military service voluntary. The Roman citizens had the duty not to commit treason and not to break the law.

Was cincinnatus alive in ancient rome?

Yes, he was one of ancient Rome's model citizens and heroes. He was dictator twice. He was born sometime around 519 BC and died in 438 BC.

How many years are there in 240 BC?

One.240 BC then 241 BC

Who ruled Athens in 594 bc?

Solon was appointed archon for a year to resolve a looming civil war between the aristocrats and common citizens.

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== ==

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How many mountains are there in BC?

There is one mountain in BC.

What percentage of the blame to the establishment of blame to drink and drive resulting in injury or death to citizens?

Up to 50% in BC, Canada