No time at all!
57 Days
You can be shipped in a box as long as it is waterproof and when you in the box you have sufficient oxygen food and water to get to your desired location.
Overnight i hope....
It takes like about a month for the moshi monster magazine to come. It takes a while because they are being shipped from ENGLAND! Moshi monsters and all moshi monster stuff were created by mind candy. mind candy is a company or something in england. the magazine has to be packed, shipped and sent to your house.
Each case is unique. There is no set timeframe, and a number of variables are involved.
Overnight i hope....
i wouldn't really know i'd guess a week I'm trying the same but i did this toget rid of the other answer
If the package is shipped via UPS ground, it takes 5 business days. A package shipped on Monday will be delivered the following Monday.
Sometimes 7-12 days
yes if you can wait that long
1 to 4 weeks