Savannah Gold is 157 cm.
Savannah Gold's birth name is Natalie Heck.
Black and gold.
There is no publicly available information that confirms whether Savannah Gold is married. Personal relationship details are typically kept private unless the individual chooses to share them.
November 18, 1997 She is one heck of a girl.
she is a British adult film star. AKA Natalie Heck.
Wood,water,coal,gold,mud,sun,wind,cars.Thats all i can think of ^_^ >_<
"Gold Arias" and "The Holdy Shop" they are both in the mall in Savannah... :]
Savannah Isla Savannah Esme Savannah Louise/louisa Savannah Violet Savannah Rose Savannah Belle
The address of the Savannah Branch is: 514 W Main St, Savannah, 64485 1670
Savannah's City Hall similarity to Atlanta's State Capitol Building:Both have a distinctive dome with 23-karat gold leaf.Both resemble the Classical architectural style of the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.
You didn't say whether you mean Savannah, Georgia or the African savannah. Here are some sentences for each one.The city of Savannah is lovely in the Spring.I visited Savannah last year.The savannah is a grassland.Lions and zebras live on the savannah.