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Being named as an excluded driver means that you are not covered as the driver, and are not allowed to drive that vehicle. It doesn't mean that you can't be a passenger in the vehicle. If you were a passenger and were injured your injuries should still be covered under the insurance (whether or not the driver was your employer). If you were working at the time you may be eligible for workers compensation, also, but at the least your injuries should be covered.

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Q: Would a excluded driver be cover if not driving and riding as a passenger in his employers vehicle?
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Who is a passenger?

A person making a journey in a vehicle that they are not themselves driving.

Who is responsible for a ticket for expired registration if you are driving an employers vehicle?

The employer would be responsible especially if you were driving for work purposes.

How do you spell pasenger?

The correct spelling is passenger (non-driving vehicle occupant).

What does it mean when someone is excluded from an auto insurance policy?

By excluding a person from an auto insurance policy, you are stating that the "excluded" person will not drive the insured vehicle, and that you understand that the "excluded" person is not covered by your insurance in the case of any traffic violation (accident, ticket, etc.). It means there is no coverage available to the excluded person in the case of an accident while driving the said vehicle. There will be NO COVERAGE.

Who pays if a driver does not have auto insurance but the passenger does?

for the driver - there will no coverage. For the passenger the same as well. It is your responsibility as a passenger, to be sure that the vehicle you are driving in is INSURED, always.

Can you drive uninsured with a insured licensed driver in the passenger seat?

No, if the other person is driving the uninsured vehicle, then that person is still covered by their own policy. But, if you AND the vehicle are uninsured, then it doesn't matter who's in the passenger seat.

If a passenger in a vehicle you are driving is under the age of 16 who's responsibility is it to see heshe is wearing a seatbelt?

the driver

If your daughter who lives with you is licensed and uses your insured car and gets into an accident will she be insured in PhiladelphiaPa?

Yes if she is not specifically excluded from the policy (you would have had to complete a form akin to the 'named driver exclusion'). The insurance follows the vehicle and anyone driving it with your permission, as long as they are not excluded, is covered.

Is it considered distracted driving to crank open a passenger side window while driving?

If you have an accident while cranking open a passenger side window, then you were not safely operating the vehicle and/or could be considered driving while distracted. Laws don't have to be so specific to state each condition that would apply.

Can a passenger drink in a car in Nevada?

No, if referring to alcohol, a passenger in Nevada cannot drink in a car. It is illegal to drink any type of alcohol while in a vehicle.

Is a Massachusetts household member covered under the parent's auto policy if they are excluded while residing at college?

If they are excluded that means the policy owner has signed a specific exclusion form that says there is no coverage at all for any coverage under the policy for the excluded person or for any vehicle while the excluded person is driving a covered vehicle. It makes not difference what the circumstances are there is no coverage. I rarely do exclusions for this reason. When absolutely necessary I make sure the insured understands that even in a medical emergency or if they are just moving a car out of the way in the driveway there is no coverage at all. The person signs an exclusion so that the insurance company will not charge any premium for the excluded driver.

What fraction of the child passenger who died in alcohol impaired driving crashes in 2008 were riding in the vehicle with the alcohol impaired driver?

one half