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The Navistar 6.0 is junk to begin with, so I wouldn't be too worried about that. As for off-road fuel, it won't hurt the engine, per se, as the 6.0 was manufactured prior to EPA2010 regs, but it is illegal to use red dye diesel in on-highway applications.

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Q: Will off road diesel hurt 6liter ford diesel?
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Can off road diesel hurt a duramax?

Off-road diesel is illeagal to run on the highway.It is not very clean and can cause sever problems.I would not recomend it.

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No it's illegal

Does off road diesel smoke more than regular diesel?

Off road diesel is dyed but otherwise the same as highway diesel. The difference is in the tax. Highway diesel has a road tax on it

What is the Weight of off road diesel?

Off-road diesel weighs approximately 7.1 pounds per gallon.

Can you use off road diesel in your 2001 Ford F-350?

The only difference between "road" diesel and "off-road" diesel is a dye used to tell them apart, chemically they're the same. It's not legal to use "off-road" diesel for road vehicles because road taxes have not been paid on it. Yes the off-road(RED) diesel will work in your truck. Here in California if you are caught running it on the highway ,the first offense is $10,000.00 fine. Keep in mind that off road fuel also does not have some of the additives you would get from a branded fuel at a station. I would add some to keep your injectors and other parts clean and working properly.

Was told yo use road diesel in hotsy power washer not off road fuel?

Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for this one. On-road diesel is recommended for use in diesel motors in general. Remember also that on-road diesel used for purposes for which the use of off-road diesel would be legal is non-taxable, which, in the case of an on-road diesel fuel purchase, will be translated into a tax refund.

Can you put red diesel on your Ford F-250?

In the UK red diesel is for agricultural, marine and plant equipment and it is illegal to use it for road vehicles, except under very strict conditions.

What type of fuel is DERV?

DERV stands for Diesel Engine Road Vehicle

Does on road diesel weigh more than off road diesel fuel?

No. The only difference is a red dye added to off-road diesel to denote non-taxable use.

Diesel for road vehicles is also called what in the UK?

Diesel for road vehicles is known as DERV (Fuel for Diesel Engined Road Vehicles) or ULSD (Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel which has a reduced sulphur content) and is white in colour.

Can you run off-road diesel in a 7.3L F250?

It is capable as long as it is off road use only. The off road diesel contains a red dye that stains the fuel filter, so if you're caught on road with red dyed filters or a tank full of red diesel you may get in trouble with law enforcement. Off road diesel does not have road taxes added to the cost.