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The registration of the vehicle has really nothing to do with the insurance. If you have valid insurance at the time of the accident, then you will have coverage for the type of coverages on your policy. If you only had liability, then the other parties vehicle will be covered as well as injuries of the other party. Your car will not be fixed under liability, you have to have physical damage coverage for your vehicle to be repaired.

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Q: Will insurance cover the cost of a claim if your vehicle is unregistered and im at fault?
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Will insurance cover a claim if your vehicle is unregistered and it is not your fault?

Yes, If you have proper auto insurance and the policy is in an "Active" status, Then it will be covered even if the vehicle regisration is expired.

Will homeowners cover an unregistered vehicle that hit mine on your own property?

No, Homeowners insurance does not provide comprehensive, collision nor liability insurance for your vehicles. Now if somebody's vehicle hits your house, your home insurance would cover the damages to your home.

Will insurance cover damages on other vehicle even though your vehicle is unregistered?

Yes, they will ADDED: Not enough information to provide a proper answer. Owner's insurance? Most likely not unless this is an expired registration and the registration can be renewed retroactively. Otherwise, most likely the driver's own insurance, if any, would be needed to cover the damages.

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File a claim on your comprehensive auto insurance if you have it. Your homeowners insurance will not cover damage to your vehicle.

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Since it was caused by the vehicle, the vehicle insurance should cover it. Most home owners insurance companies would probably make a claim against the auto insurance company, if they covered it.

Will ct auto insurance cover accident if car was unregistered?

Normally, an insurer will require that all requirements of the law be complied with in order to issue a policy. This would include proper registration of the vehicle.

Does car insurance cover the car or the driver?

Car insurance covers you for accidents, fire and theft of your vehicle depending on what type of insurance you take out. You will need to get a quote from a car insurance company to find out how much your insurance will cost and what it will cover you for in the event of needing to make a claim.

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Does homeowners insurance cover your child damaging the neighbors vehicle?

No, Your homeowners insurance does not cover vehicle damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

In California will your insurance rates go up if you let someone borrow my car and they crashed it?

Yes, If your Insurance company paid the claim then they are allowed to increase your premium appropriately to cover your risk factors. If you let others drive your vehicle then that is demonstrative of how you handle your vehicle. Loaning out of your vehicle to others increases the risk that you will have a claim.

Brother loans sister car. they do not live in same household. sister has accident should insurance cover other vehicle?

Should who's insurance cover who's car??? The Brother who owns the car will have to file the claim with his insurance policy. Insurance follows the car, not the driver. If you didn't have the Sister listed on the policy as a driver the company can deny the claim for material misrepresentation. Then you will have to pay the claim yourself.

I have a motor vehicle and have hit my sisters vehicle can she claim against my motor policy?

Yes, she can. It makes no difference who the car is owned by, the insurance company will cover the liabilities according to the policy.