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According to the Fram Oil Filter cross reference guide, Kubota 66021-36060 can be replaced by Fram PH3682.
Fram oil filter # ph8a
fram ph 10968
Fram filter PH3593A
PH359A Fram Filter.
There is no fram filter for this number but wix # is 57088
what hydraulic oil to use on Kubota L39
Could not find Kubota HH1C0-32430 in the FRam Oil Filter cross reference guide.
What fram oil filter fits a l3130 kubota tractor
This filter crosses over to a Wix 51344 or a Fram PH3593A. It is shorter than the Kubota filter. I have not tried it!
no fram 57098 wix
Fram does not have a filter that will cross-over. Baldwin filters cross over for HHTA0-59900 would be a BT9358. I would recommend NOT using Fram filters on your Kubota. Use Kubota, Wix or Baldwin filters.