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Because people try to turn inside the path of the trailer. They don't understand that the trailer is going to follow a different path thru the turn than the tractor.

They also don't understand that when a tractor and trailer are in a turn, that the mirrors are absolutely useless to the driver. All he can see in the mirror is the side of the trailer. He cannot see the idiots trying to sneak around him inside the turn.

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Q: Why do large trucks get into collisions when making a wide turn?
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The differential is that big pumpkin-looking thing on your axle. It allows the two axle shafts to rotate at different speeds (for example, when making a turn).

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Wheels dont make a skateboard easier to turn on the skateboard trucks do that.

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Probably because the trucks are to tight. The lighter you are the looser the trucks should be. It could possibly be that you just are trying to turn the correct way go to you tube and learn to steer.

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A vehicle is making a wide right turn and I is passed on the right who's at fault?

If the turning vehicle was struck by a vehicle entering the roadway it would be the the fault of the vehicle entering the roadway.HOWEVER, if the entering vehicle was struck by the turning vehicle, it is the fault of the turning driver.

What is the best skateboard trucks?

i say the best trucks in the world ventures trucks cause i have them and they are really good and have good endurance!

Is there a way to make skateboards turn easier and sharper?

The skateboard doesn't do anything to turn. What makes it turn is the trucks and to make turning more responsive you need to loosen the trucks with a special kind of tool. it depends what truck you have you can loosen them with pliyers or an Allen key it depends what trucks you have if there cheap they wont turn lol

Which trucks bend in the middle?

Long articulated trucks, which pull separate trailers, bend in the middle. If they didn't, they wouldn't be able to turn round sharp corners. Shorter trucks, which are built in one piece and don't bend in the middle, are called rigid trucks.

Where can one search for more information about food trucks in NYC? and can provide information about the location of the food trucks in New York City. In turn, this would give an idea of the quantity of such trucks.