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The friend who took the car and got into the accident, if the accident is caused by the car's un-roadworthiness.

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Q: Who is liable if an friends takes your car without permission and knows it not road worthy and get into an accident.?
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My son had permission to operate a friends vehichle and the car was in an accident and totaled. is he liable for payment?

if there is insurance it should pay for the loss

If your son took your truck without your permission and caused an accident are you liable?

I believe that if he took the truck then he is liable for what ever happens to it, but on the other hand you didn't give him permission, then your liable because its your truck. Unfortunately I believe you need to prove he took it without consent, and that would involve pressing charges.

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What happens if my car was driven by someone without my permission and he gets in an accident?

If they took your car without you permission, it is a vehicle theft. You would not be civily liable for an accident. Where the waters get muddied however, is if that person has driven the car with your permission in the past. He could use that as a defense in a criminal matter, because he could say that the permission to use the car "stands". It is doubtful you would incur any liabilty.

Who is liable if a driver with a revoked license gets in an accident while driving your car without permission?

The unauthorized driver will be held responsible, unless there's proof that the vehicle owner did grant that person permission to drive.

Your 16 year old son took the car without permission and has no license he was in a car accident in ny Nassau county Is the parent liable or the owner of the vehicle?

A parent is liable of any damages their children do. The car owner is not liable for any damages caused if the vehicle was stolen.

If someone with no drivers license nor insurance has an accident with your car are you liable?

Generally yes , UNLESS they took your car without your permission, in which case you should have them arrested for car theft to protect yourself financially

Who is repsonsible if someone you did not give permission and does not have a license causes an accident my daughter who is listed on my policy did give permission?

You are still responsible for her and her decisions Legally the owner of the vehicle is going to be held liable.

Which insurance would be liable if our 16 year old son was involved in an accident driving someone elses auto with their permission ours or the owners?

The owners insurance will be responsible for coverage in an accident involving permissive use of their vehicle.

Who is liable in a multi-car accident?

The person that is responsible for the accident.

Is the owner of a car liable if the person driving has a fatal accident?

Yes, he is liable if the person driving has a fatal accident. His insurance allows him to cover people that drive his car with his permission. If that person wrecks his car and dies, the insurance would pay the funeral expenses and give the actual cash value for the car minus the deductible.

If your son had an parking lot accident while driving your car without insurance are you liable?

More than likely you both can be held liable. Since you both were aware the car was uninsured. Depending on the laws of your state you may end up with fines and penalties also. It also depends whether your son was driving the car with your permission and whether your son is a minor. (Yeses make you more liable, noes less so.)