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If one vehicle is sitting parked and one is in motion, then logic dictates the vehicle that was in motion is At Fault and therefore responsible for the damages.

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Q: Who is at fault when 2 vehicles are parked side by side and one vehicle hits the other vehicle while backing out?
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Who's at fault when a car is parked - another goes around and the parked car - the parked car is put into reverse - and then backs into the moving vehicle?

The person who is backing out

In the state of MA who is at fault if a driver backs into an illegally parked car?

The driver of the backing vehicle. The fact that the car was parked illegally is irrelevant. The onus is always on the driver of a moving vehicle to ensure the way is clear before backing up.

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The car in motion is ALWAYS at fault when it hits a stationary vehicle.

What if two cars backing out of a parking spot and a vehicle coming from your right backs out the two cars collide right rear bumper to right rear bumper who is at fault?

Both partys are at fault and each party will need to file there vehicle under there own insurance. Parking lot accidents are always share fault unless one of the vehicle was parked, but since both vehicles were backing out at the same time, both partys are at fault unless you get a kind person to admit it was there fault.

If you hit a car parked illegally across from your driveway while backing out are you responsible for repairing the car that is parked illegally?

Yes. Being illegally parked does not affect fault. If you strike a parked vehicle, it is ALWAYS your fault because you have a duty to ensure the way was clear before moving.

If a car was parked on residential shared access and you hit it while backing out of the drive who is at fault if an insurance claim was made?

It would be darned hard to assess the blame on the parked car. If one vehicle is in motion and the other is not, 99.99% of the time, the moving vehicle is at fault.

If a car is parked in a red zone who is at fault?

the car backing up

If a vehicle parked along a curb on private property is hit by another driver who is at fault?

The driver that hit the parked vehicle would be at fault.

Who is at fault if the driver of a parked vehicle opens his door and it is hit by a car driving by?

driver of parked vehicle

Who is liable in a rear end collision if the car that was rear ended was parked?

As long as the parked vehicle is parked properly and not illegally parked in any manner, then the vehicle that rear-ended the parked car is at fault. Now if the parked car is sitting illegally (such as double parked or parked in a no parking zone, etc.) then the parked car is at fault or even both the parked car AND the car that hits it are BOTH at fault.

What will happen Florida when you back up into a parked car?

The law in every state is very clear about backing. The person backing up/out is at fault and responsible for any damages, regardless of the other vehicle's speed and/or position. It's also known as:"Limitations on backing".

Who is at fault if someone hits another car in a parking lot in Colorado?

This is not enough information to answer the question. If a car hits a parked vehicle then the moving vehicle would be at fault. If both vehicles are moving then the issue gets more complicating.