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Depends on the side of the road you drive. In the UK we drive on the left (& go round round abouts clockwise) and at a round about the law requires you to give way to all traffic (that is all vehicles) coming from your right.

And here in the US, it is those vehicles coming from the left.

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Q: Which vehicles must a driver give way to when entering a roundabout?
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When using roundabouts or traffic circles drivers must?

It depends on the country. In the UK, we drive on the left. So, at a roundabout, we are expected to give way to vehicles entering the roundabout from our right. At a roundabout, we drive clockwise round it. In the UK, traffic circles are known as mini-roundabouts. Mini-roundabout are often used at a junction where a physical roundabout would prevent large vehicles from turning. Though vehicle can cross over a mini-roundabout, they are expected to still keep clockwise is they can.

When using roundabouts or traffic circles drivers must do?

It depends on the country. In the UK, we drive on the left. So, at a roundabout, we are expected to give way to vehicles entering the roundabout from our right. At a roundabout, we drive clockwise round it. In the UK, traffic circles are known as mini-roundabouts. Mini-roundabout are often used at a junction where a physical roundabout would prevent large vehicles from turning. Though vehicle can cross over a mini-roundabout, they are expected to still keep clockwise is they can.

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When entering a traffic roundabout you need to slow down, signal, and move into the correct lane. You also need to give right of way to drivers in the roundabout.

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It means you are approaching a roundabout and (in the U.K.) must give way to traffic coming from the right and already on the roundabout.

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You grant the right of way to traffic coming from your left already in the roundabout.

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