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Q: When entering a expressway your car speed should?
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When entering an expressway never stop in the acceleration lane unless traffic is?

When entering an expressway, never stop in the acceleration lane unless traffic is stopped. This would cause an accident if the traffic was not moving and a persons car was continuing to accelerate.

Steps for entering on expressway?

The first thing that is necessary to enter an expressway is to get on the on ramp. At this time, you should speed up the car so that you can enter traffic at their current speed. Then put on the blinker and move into a lane when able.

What should you do when a car is entering and another car is exiting at the same place at the interstate?

Get on the brake ;)

How fast is a car's average speed?

The average speed of any car should be the posted speed limit.

Does expressway dodge of evansvillein accept car care credit card?

The Expressway Dodge of Evansville, IN does not list the Car Care Credit Card as one of their payment options. They do have financing available, however.

When driving on an expressway select a lane that allows others to what?

car pool

What is a method of transportation that starts with the letter e?

· electric car · elevator · escalator · expressway

What type of punishment should you receive for breaking and entering a car?

that will get you at the least 3 years in jail.

Is it legal to ride a bicycle on the right shoulder of the expressway?

It is legal to ride a bicycle on a right shoulder of an expressway.

Why is there a need for the roller coaster car to increase its speed before entering a vertical loop?

because if the rollercoaster goes not have enough speed it will not be able to successfully go over the loop without crashing

What are examples of decceleration?

Examples of deceleration include a car slowing down to a stop at a traffic light, a runner gradually decreasing their speed at the end of a race, and a diver reducing their speed before entering the water.

Is it breaking in entering when the car door is unlocked?

Stealing something? If it's not your car it's probably breaking/entering.