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Well, that's going to depend on where you are. In the US, the only time you need a licence for a forklift if it's being used on public roadways - and you use a regular drivers licence for that. In other countries, the laws will be different.

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Related questions

Can I get a forklift licence online?

You cannot get a forklift license online because this is something that requires hands on training to obtain your license. Once you have demonstrated that you can safetly opperate a forklift, you can apply for your license.

Can you obtain a forklift license online?

No, you can't obtain a forklift license online. You must go through in person training, and prove that you can drive a forklift, before they will give you a license or certification.

Does a US forklift license expire what about in house?

There isn't a 'forklift license' in the US. Some companies may issue a forklift certification which potentially could expire.

Does a forklift license expire?


Do you have to drivers license to be a forklift operator?

You have to have a fork lift operators license

When do you have to renew a forklift license?

Is forklift licenses before December 31 1995 lifetime.

Do you need a valid Forklift license to drive a forklift?

This depends on the country you live in. In Australia and USA you are required to have a forklift licence.

Do you require a driver's license to drive a forklift?


Do I have to have a special license to rental a forklift?

Yes you need a special license to drive a forklift. Certification for using a forklift can be obtained through state agencies and many private companies offer certification training courses.

Can you track a forklift license?

Not in the United States, because here each employer must issue his or her own forklift license. In Britain they may have different laws.

Do you need a special license to work as a forklift driver?

OSHA requires that all personel operating a forklift obtain a forklift operators certification.

Does an Australian forklift license expire?

Yes, forklift licence must be renewed every 5 years.