You would use the unit of measurement called "kilograms" or "pounds" to measure the weight of a car.
It is customary to use the kilogram - though that is technically not a weight, but a mass.
The most adequate unit is the metric tonne.This unit is equal to 1 000 kg.
The appropriate unit for weight is a Newton.
Grams is the SI unit for weight
You would use the metric unit "kilograms" to measure the weight of a bag of groceries.
Pound weight.
No metric unit will find the weight of the pumpkin for you. For that, you'll need some kind of a scale. However, once you've found the weight, you'll use a unit of force to describe it. The metric unit of force is the Newton. (NOT the kilogram.)
The weight of a car is typically measured in pounds or kilograms.
I personally use the pound avoirdupois.