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In a recent flight into Denver, our airspeed was right at 200 mph. I wouldn't have guessed that fast from watching other planes from the ground. Unfortunately, I don't remember what the plane was, but it was a very new-looking model judging by the interior, running two engines, one under each wing.

The aproch to land speed is varied on every type of aircraft and the total wight before

tuchdown, mainly 130-160 knots is a safe margine for most airliner.

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Q: What speed do commercial aircraft land?
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Which is the first commercial aircraft with supersonic speed?

The Concorde was .

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You are propably looking for the Concorde or the Tupolev Tu-14. It should be noted, however, that none of these aircraft are in service today. Further, there are currently no supersonic aircraft in commercial service.

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Aircraft measure their speed using pitot tubes, which are sensors that detect the pressure of air as the aircraft moves through it. This pressure is translated into airspeed, which is displayed on the aircraft's instruments and used by the pilot to control the aircraft.

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No, commercial passenger aircraft are designed to avoid creating sonic booms by maintaining subsonic speeds. Sonic booms are produced when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound (approximately 767 mph at sea level), which is not typical for commercial flights.

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It depend on what type of aircraft you are flying and change depend on your load factors in commercial airliners .

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Airbrakes on commercial aircraft are hydraulically operated.

How fast are airplanes going when they land?

The speed depends on the aircraft type and also on the weight of the aircraft. The more load it is carrying, the faster it needs to travel to land safely. Typically, an airliner will be travelling at 120mph or faster as it lands. A 747 will usually be moving faster than a smaller passenger plane - in the region of 150mph or more. Concorde, designed for extreme speed needs to be travelling faster still. the design that helps it travel so fast also means that it needs to land at higher speeds than all other airliners. Light aircraft will typically be landing at a speed of below 100mph.It varies - depending on the plane. For example - a twin-seater light aircraft has a landing speed of roughly 70 mph. A 'heavy-bodied' jet will be travelling at over 300 mph !That depends on a lot of things like the type of aircraft, the wind speed, angle of the flaps etc. However a 747 will usually land between 121MPH and 165MPH. I hope this helps

What is the biggest commercial aircraft made by Boeing?

The Boeing 747-8 is the biggest commercial aircraft made by Boeing. It was also the biggest commercial aircraft till the A-380 came out.

Why is landing speed of an aircraft high?

Beacuse if we cme with lower speed we can stall just at 50 ft,which is more than a danger..we come with speed so tht we can land with full control on aircraft coz more airflow more effective controls.

What is the largest commercial aircraft in Unites States?

The largest commercial aircraft that operates in the United States is the A380.

What is th fastest jet in the world?

The Cessna Citation X (that is10) is reputed to be the fastest commercial aircraft - maximum speed is Mach .91

Name two different type of commercial airline in the world?

Do you mean commercial Aircraft? Aircraft: Boeing & Airbus