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First questions: Did you report it to the police or your insurance company. If not. Do this. Call your insurance company. Tell them you had an accident and the driver left the scene. Do not say you let them leave or you weren't sure what to do. If you have full coverage, you have (depending on your state check your policy) 1 to 3 years to claim the uninsured driver's insurance (that you pay for listed on your policy). MI is $20,000.00 You must do this right away. They only give you a short amount of time so they won't have to pay. You also have damages to the vehicle that must be checked by the insurance company. They will have an agent come to you or other and take pictures. They will give you an estimate of the value of what they think the damage is. If you don't agree with the estimate, fight it. Get 2 estimates from licensed garages and demand your full restitution. Were you physically hurt? If so, you may go to any doctor you want and get health care. It is best you at least get checked out. A minor accident of 10mph can do much damage to the body. Go to a regular doctor, specialists, chiropractor, and even psychiatrists or psychologists if needed. The insurance company must pay these bills. If you live in a state with UNCOORDINATED Benefits and it is on your policy that your have UNCoordinated Benefits or (full medical coverage) You may be able to claim money from the insurance company if your own health insurance covers the bill first. ALWAYS have your health insurance cover first and then the insurance company must pay the exact amount the doctor charged back to you. sounds crazy but true. But you have to have Uncoordinated Benefits. If you don't change it now if you can in your state. PS: If your health insurance won't cover something make sure the auto company pays it. This is why we have insurance. If you have PLPD. The cheap insurance. You can only collect on health benefits.

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Q: What should you do if you were in a car accident and left the scene after deciding to handle it later but now you cannot contact the other party?
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