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In the state of Connecticut, nothing, not even a moped.

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Q: What kind of motor vehicle can you drive with a suspended licsence?
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Can you test drive a car with a suspended license?

No. It is a violation to "operate" a motor vehicle on suspended licenses. It is illegal to drive the vehicle even on a test drive. Now that is if you were to drive the vehicle on a public highways, roadways, and streets. You could drive the vehicle around the parking lot (if private property) or on some one's private property is legal.

Is being issued a driver's license considered a right?

No. A licence to drive a motor vehicle is a privilege and may be suspended temporarliy or permanantly if abused.

Is it legal to drive farm equipment on public roads in Iowa with a suspended license?

No.. you're prohibited from operating any motor vehicle on a public roadway with a suspended license, unless you're able to get a waiver granted for it.

If you are deemed incapable of safely operating a motor vehicle your license is suspended revoked or cancelled?

Your license shall be SUSPENDED!

If you are arrested for DUI in CT Can you still drive in NH?

It depends on whether or not your driving priovileges were suspended or revoked. If they were, it is against the law for you to drive anywhere. ALL states honor each others motor vehicle laws.

Can you ride a moped after dwi?

In my state of CT to drive any vehicle on its public streets a driver must have a valid drivers license. If person with a DWI conviction has not had his license suspended, then he may operate any motor vehicle.

Can a Person under 18 in California be employed to drive a motor vehicle?

Persons under 18 may not be employed to drive a motor vehicle.

Will your license be suspended if your motor vehicle is uninspected?

Not if this is your first violation. If this is your 21st.........well.........maybe.

Give Name and location of beaches where you can drive a car or a motor vehicle?

You can drive your motor vehicle various places in Nags Head, North Carolina on the beaches.

Which type of motor suitable for the drive of an electrical powered vehicle?

dc series motor

Can you drive your new vehicle to the Motor vehicle department with plates on the vehicle?

Yes. You can also drive it home, to the store, school, your friend's, and even your grandma's.

Can you take a pre-scheduled CDL road test if your NYS class D license is indefinitely suspended?

No. If your licence is suspended, you cannot operate a motor vehicle, period.