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Probably speeding.

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Q: What is the single biggest cause of car accidents?
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Related questions

What is the single biggest cause of car accidents while using a cell phone?

The single biggest cause of car accidents while using a cell phone - is cell phones.

How are accidents caused?

speeding, if the car's brakes are broken, you don't know how to drive, not following the laws of driving, slippery roads, no light, raining, snowing.Another VIew: The biggest single cause of vehicle accidents is INATTENTION TO DRIVING.

What is the biggest cause of motorcycle accidents?

Normally accidents are caused by the motorcycle overtaking the vehicle that is in front of it and cannot see the car coming the other way, and then the oncoming car hits the motorcyclist.

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What percentage or car accidents are cause by alcohol?

39% of accidents are caused by alchocal.

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What is the cause of death for teens?

car accidents

What is the leading cause of deaths for age 16-24 in the US?

accidents/car accidents

What is the major cause of death for teens?

car accidents

Do females cause more car accidents?

No. Men cause far more.

The leading cause of death of people 3 to 34 years old is?

car accidents

What is the cause of 40 percent of all car accidents?
