Into plane
A plane of application is an imaginary, flat surface in which an applied force passes through.
A plane is a flat surface
By definition, application control refers to the transactions and data relating to computer-based application systems. These controls are specific to each application.
an application system is your head
The point of application is where the push is applied on the swing, typically the seat. The plane of application is the plane in which the push occurs, usually perpendicular to the swing's motion.
By the definition, A plane which makes an angle (THETA) with the horizontal is said to be inclined plane. Inclined plane has made lots of work very easy. It's a simple machine.
There are paper job application Forms that you fill out
dots on a coordinate plane
point of application of force is the spot where the force is being applied.
The study of the ratios of the sides and angles of triangles in the same plane.