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Excessive pitch or roll is generally caused by a bad suspension. However some cars, like the 1979 Lincoln Mark V for example, have comfort suspensions that are soft and are manufactured that way.

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broken or disconnected sway bar.

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Q: What is the cause of excessive pitch or roll when driving?
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Did the space shuttle ever launch without pitch and roll?

No. Pitch and Roll are a requirement for many reasons.

Can struts make a roaring noice while driving?

no--bearings and tires are the most likely cause of roaring--esp if it gets louder as you roll faster

What is the difference betteew roll pitch yaw?

Roll, pitch, and yaw are the three rotational axes that describe an object's orientation in three-dimensional space. Roll refers to the rotation around the object's longitudinal axis, pitch refers to the rotation around its lateral axis, and yaw refers to the rotation around its vertical axis. In simple terms, roll is like tilting side to side, pitch is like tilting forward and backward, and yaw is like turning left and right.

What is roll rate in reference to aircraft?

Roll, pitch, and yaw - flight dynamics. See the below link for more info.

What are the 3 controlled movements an airplane fly what are they?

Pitch, Roll and Yaw

What causes a car to roll when driving?

A car can roll over when there's something slippery on the road like gasoline or ice and snow.

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If they roll off the assembly line and just keep going.

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Does lurched mean bold?

It means to roll or pitch suddenly, as of a ship or a staggering person

What is the difference between pitch roll and yaw?

give 3 axes to object, setup the x,y,z system, then rotate along the x means roll, along y means pitch and along z means yaw

How does a pilot control roll pitch and yaw?

In classic aircraft controls, the airplane's rudder controls yaw, the elevators control pitch and the ailerons control roll. The control handle controls rudders and elevators while ailerons are controlled by foot pedals.

What are the 3 basic movement of an airplane?

Yaw, pitch, and roll. (thrust is needed for any on of these to occur)