the freight class for plastic parts is 92.5 nmfc # 156600 sub # 7
NMFC# 50915 class 70 for steel
NMFC Freight Class 70 would be something like acorns or other shelled nuts.
Generally CLC 60 if NMFC code is 73185
Plastic is density based so the class code can range from 50-400. the freight class for plastic parts is 92.5 nmfc # 156600 sub # 7
couch with arms and back put together class 175 nmfc #80865 sub #3
Freight Class: 300 NMFC# 15520 Sub# 2 As per... %5BPDF Search Engine%5D.pdf Reply back with where you are shipping them from and too - I'm in the same process :)
90890 is your NMFC Grease, NOI: Sub 1 In pails - CL 77.5 Sub 2 In boxes, crates or drums, CL 65
what is the freight class for a metal flange? I think it is class 80 but I can't be sure
what is the nmfc class for 2 gaylords weighing 3800 pounds measuring 48x48x48
According to UPS for mannequins specific to store or dress display it is Class: 250; NMFC: 075790; Sub:00
use rubber articles. NMFC 157320. use the dimensons and weight to figure the density and there's your class.