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Commercial Liability Insurance comes in two forms. One is for the workplace itself and one is for the product liability.

So if you are in business, you need to insure for someone getting injured on your premises or in your parking lot if that is part of your premises. This can be for slip/trip and falls (most Common) to your building caught on fire and it also caught the building next to you on fire.

Another aspect of this part of the insurance is if say a contractor accidentally damages or injures someone on the job.

After the job is done is when the Product liability take effect. If the job is not performed right, or two days later the ceiling falls in after replacing your roof, etc.

There is a special liability coverage for white collar products, such as doctors, lawyers, insurance professionals, etc. That is Professional Liability Coverage and is not normally part of the common Commercial Liability Coverage.

I worked in commercial insurance for 20+ years, but I've been out of it for a while so some of my terms may not be exact, but the concepts never change.

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Your neighbor's insurance company's liabilty coverage should pay for it and your insurance company should pursue it for you

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DGI offers liabilty insurance for personal trainers that have thier own small business. Chekc out thier website or give them a call for more information.

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Commercial Insurance is for a business. (general liability, worker's comp, etc.) The term "non-commercial" insurance isn't generally used. There is commercial insurance and personal insurance (i.e. homeowners, personal auto)

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Insurance can actually cannot be considered as an asset or a liability.. Infact Insurance is there to protect your asset for future needs and save you from financial crisis.. It reduces all the losses ocuured on any particular event..

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Corporation liability insurance is available from a number of companies including GEICO, The Dominion, State Farm, and Progressive Commerical. Further information is available on the respective websites of these companies.

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Autonet Insurance specializes in the commercial automobile market. This includes fleet vehicle insurance, commercial vehicle insurance and commercial van insurance.

What type of liability insurance does a self employed CPR instructor who goes to private residences and businesses in the Los Angeles California area to teach need?

You need Professional General Liabilty Insurance.

How old do you have to be for commercial insurance?

there is no age if you own a business you can get commercial insurance