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Q: What is a good method for establishing credit?
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Which method of purchase involves establishing charge?

The method of purchase that involves establishing a charge account with a business or store is typically referred to as a credit purchase. With a credit purchase, the buyer can make purchases on credit and pay back the amount owed at a later date, often with interest.

How is opening letter of credit different from establishing letter of credit?

Both has same meaning, opening letter of credit establishing letter of credit once letter of credit is opened, credit is established.

Which credit cards are secured?

Secured credit cards require that you supply a cash deposit as collateral that becomes the actual line of credit. When first establishing credit or reestablishing credit secured credit cards are an excellent method to use and most banks will be able to provide information on the secured credit cards they offer.

Who was given credit for establishing the US Naval Academy?

The Secretary of the Navy, George Bancroft, is given the credit for establishing the US Naval Academy.

Does buying a car improve your credit?

Purchasing a car can promote good credit by establishing a positive payment history. Creditors want to see that a borrower has good debt and a history of making promised payments.

Which credit card uses trans union for establishing credit worthiness?

Washington Mutual

How do you establish first-time credit?

== Consumers desirous of establishing a good credit record should start off by applying for a credit card. The companies that monitor credit history compile information based on your payments and responsible consumers build up a good credit report by promptly paying off what they owe. A second consideration, especially if the consumer did not qualify for a conventional credit card, is to apply for secured credit. This method lessens the lender's risk by having access to some kind of guaranty from the borrower in case of default. An alternative way is to have a person with a proven history of good credit co-sign a loan. These co-signers are a form of guarantee diminishing the lender's risk of non-payment.Start small, usually with a gas station or department store credit card. Charge a couple of tanks of gas. Pay the balance as soon as the bill comes in, that is pay it early. You will be on your way then to establishing good credit.Paying your bills in good time and opening a bank account is one f the best way to establish credit.

Where can I learn about establishing business credit?

There are several good websites available to look at to teach you about business credit.One of the most comprehensive ones is

Is opening up a bank account a good way of establishing credit?

Simply opening a bank account won't improve your credit, however if you take out a loan, and make payments on time, or if you have a credit card with them and make monthly payments on time that will help build your credit.

How can one go about establishing credit?

There are many ways one can go about establishing credit. The most painless process is to provide information such as employment history and residence history for the most success.

Where do you go to get a free credit report from Equifax online?

equifax com/answers/request-free-credit-report/en_cp is the place where you can get a free credit report from Equifax. It is a very good method to get a free credit report.

How can you establish credit if you can't get a credit card?

If you are wanting to establish a credit rating e.g. at Experian so that you can then get a credit card then one method is to start with a prepaid card. Basically you get a Mastercard that will only let you spend up to the amount you have deposited on the card. The UK leader is cashplus and they will then report your payment of monthly fees as if they were a loan - thereby establishing a credit record for you. Find out more at