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* wrong side driving car was total damage

* drank liqueds and drove the car it is also pay


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Q: What if you have full coverage insurance for your car and you have a single car accident and you have a suspended license does the insurance people still pay for it?
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What can happen if you do not notify your insurance company that you are driving under a suspended license and have had an accident?

They will probably try to deny coverage on your claim. Did you inform them that your license was suspended? Probably not, I imagine.

Does insurance cover a wreck if your license is suspended?

Insurance and Suspended LicensesYes, If you auto insurance policy was active and in force at the time of your accident then they will cover the losses to the extent and limits of your policy coverage. Bare in mind taht if the Insurance company was not previously aware of your license suspension and depending on the reason they may decide to cancel your policy.AnswerTypically, no. One of the conditions of coverage generally is the existence of a valid driver's license. If the license was suspended but you were nonetheless driving, the insurer may well have a coverage defense.

Will insurance cover accident with suspended license?

Probably not. I am certain that somewhere in your policy there's a clause stating that you can not drive while your license is suspended.

If someone hits you and it is their fault will their insurance cover your damage if your license is suspended?

Yes. The fact that your license is suspended is NOT considered a contributing circumstance to an accident.

Where can you get a quote for non-owner auto insurance if you have had your license suspended for points in Colorado?

== == If you don't have a valid driver's license, you can't get insurance coverage.

If you have a suspended license and full coverage insurance and get involved in a single car accident due to medical reasons will the insurance company pay?

Maybe, it will depended on the policy wording and exclusions, you need to turn the claim in for a decision.

How does the insurance company of a licensed driver look at an accident where the driver they covered is at fault in an accident where the driver not at fault has a suspended license will the insuranc?

It does not matter to an insurance company that the other driver had a suspended license. Liability is determined by the factors of the accident and the evidence put forth. The fact that the other driver had no license does not affect liability or the handling of the claim.

What happens if a driver with a suspended license the registered owner's insurance pay?

What are you asking? Have you had a motor accident? Did the other driver have a suspended licence?

What could be the consequences of an accident if you had no insurance in California?

In California, the law is, if you in fact have an accident in California without insurance, and the dmv finds out about it, your license will be suspended for 1 year.

What happens if your car is insured but license is suspended and you are involved in an accident?

If your license was suspended, and you were driving, it is quite likely that you insuror will NOT pay for the damages, and will cancel your coverage, because you were knowingly operating the vehicle unlawfully.

Would a suspended license driver be covered under full coverage car insurance?

Not in Canada. If your license is suspended, then any insurance claim that resulted from you driving while suspended would not be covered. If the car was damaged and it was parked and not being operated, then that is covered. But not if you are driving it.

Can you sell auto insurance with suspended license?

With a suspended insurance license, I would not because you will be breaking a law. With a suspended drivers license you can sell insurance.