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it means that you have air in your brake system, and you should go to a auto repair shop to have it fixed, unless you know how to do it yourself, and you will be able to stop, but the more air in your system, the more you will have to pump up your brakes, and the more likely you are to rearending someone or crashing. Air+Brake fluid = very bad day

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Q: What if brake peddle goes to floor but it still cam stop?
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If your brake peddle goes to the floor, you have lost brake fluid from your master cylinder in the engine compartment. Check your rubber brake hoses at each of your wheels, look for any signs of leaking brake fluid at your wheels, connections,lines, and master cylinder.

Why does the brake peddle goes to floor?

Low brake fluid, drums/rotors in need of replacement, pads in need of replacement, air in the brake lines, worn master cylinder, brakes out of adjustment... all possible reasons.

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I had the same problem, on top of the brake peddle there is a switch that you have to replace, it is pretty clear with a flashlight, It knows when the peddle goes down, in my car it was white.

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One sign is if you place you foot on the brake pedal and apply steady pressure, and the pedal slowing goes down toward the floor, the master cylinder is bad. As this car is 9 years old, when replacing the master cylinder, replace all the brake fluid in the entire system with fresh fluid from an unopened can. 1. It could have a leak at the master cylender. 2. the brake peddle slowly goes all the way to the floor.

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Bring to a shop that has an ABS scanner

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Brake Pedal Goes to the Floor After BleedingAlthough there could be more than one reason, I suspect that even though you may have bled the brake system, AND the brake fluid reservoir is full, your brake bleeding was not successful, and you STILL HAVE AIR IN THE BRAKE LINES, or in the wheel brake slave cylinders.

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You need to bleed the brakes.

Brake peddle hard but goes down slowly?

Air in a brake line or a bad master cylinder could cause this. Bleed the brake lines if you have been working on any brake cylinder. If this happened without any warning, the master brake cylinder is probably the cause and should be replaced.

When you pump your brake petal On a A Malibu and it still goes to the floor what is wrong?

Your master cylinder seals are bad, and the unit needs either to be rebuilt or replaced. Replaced is better.