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You are probably likely to incur fees and charges (which depend on the terms and conditions of the legally binding contract) - and possible even prosecution.

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Q: What happens if you do not turn a lease car in on time at the end of lease?
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What if your husband files bankruptcy and you have a leased car?

If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, you If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, you have If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, you have to If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, you have tohave If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, you have tohave to If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, you have tohave to give If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, you have tohave to give the If you keep paying the lease, nothing happens. You are permitted to own or lease a car. If you don't pay the lease, you have tohave to give the car

What happens when you can no longer no way pay your FL car lease?

Turn it in. It will go on your credit report as a defult.

What happens if you give up a car before lease is up turn into dealership after 13 months on a 3 year lease?

If you give the car back to the car dealership before your lease has expired, then the lease is over. You stop paying the monthly payments. This is very common in people who want a low monthly payment, thus they get a long car lease and then end up trading back in the car for a new car before the lease has expired.

What happens when you total a lease car?

When a lease car is totaled, the car company will require the car lessee to pay the lease balance to get out of the contract. This is applicable for a wrecked car and non-reparable vehicle.

What happens if you lease a car and then move to another state?

Nothing changes as far as your lease goes.

If you volunteer a reposession on a lease car and the car is not operable what happens?

They repossess it anyway and you could be responsible for the repair cost, depending on the lease contract.

Can you buy a car and turn around and lease it?

you can for a private seller but if you buy multiple car's and lease them it would be illegal unless you have a dealer license.

What happens at the end of a car lease?

At the end of a car lease u return the car to the dealership. The most u get is a 6 month extension. Hope that helped. Adios.

What happens if a car lease is up and car is in police impound for evidence?

This is going to be expensive! If the car is crashed or stolen and an insurance company is going to deal with this then they will have to pay the costs. If the lease is up and the car can not be returned to the leasing company the lessor will need to pay for either the extra time or the whole car.

You cosigned for a lease The lease is up in 3 days but the person is refusing to turn the car back in What can you do to remove your name from the lease?

The dealer cannot renew the lease without your signature. Just don't sign it! To be doubly sure however, go to the dealer (don't call) and speak to the Leasing Manager (NOT the salesman) and specifically tell thm this! Then whatever happens after the lease expires is the respsonsiblity of the the person who actually possesses the car.

If you have a lease and can't pay any more and you are late a couple of months on top of that what will happen if you turn the car in?

Read your lease. it should addrewss what will happen if you turn it in before the lease is up. Likely you WILL have to pay.

What is a car lease?

A car lease can be thought of as a long-term car rental. If you choose to lease rather than buy, you will not own the car. You will simply be leasing it for a predetermined period of time. When you lease a car, you are not leasing it from the car dealer itself. You instead lease it from a leasing company, who in effect buys the car and rents it to you in exchange for your monthly payments. This leasing company can be the financial arm of large automakers (such as GM Finance or BMW Finance) or may be an independent leasing company of the dealer's choice. The dealer generally acts as an agent on behalf of the leasing company in negotiating the terms of the car lease. The most common type of car lease is called a "Closed End Lease". In this type of lease, you and the dealer agree on the length of time and interest rate at which you will lease the car, and also on the final value of the car at the end of lease (called the "residual value" of the car). When your lease is over, you can either turn your keys in or you can exercise the option to buy the car at the pre-agreed residual value. It should be worth noting, that an open-ended lease is practically unheard of these days. Any legitimate car dealer should be offering a closed-end lease.