SDM is Sub District Magistrate
1. Frame Relay 2. HDLC 3. PPP
SDM College of Medical Sciences was created in 2004.
full form of SDM is Sub District Magistrate or Senior Deputy Minister
Typically, space-division multiplexing (SDM) is realized through a set number of frequency bands. This is combined with FDM because cells neighboring those in the SDM are unable to share the same frequencies.
SDM utilizes GUI buttons and text boxes. The IOS CLI requires the use of text-based commands. SDM is used for in-band management only. The IOS CLI can be used for in-band and out-of-band management
Sub-divisional Magistrate
To be a SDM you should be a graduation in SSC. This is a very tough and heavy competition. But if one time you have don this then you are the employee in the most valuable and valuable job.
3.1415926535892 hi sdm,bgfsogfskocvhk