You should be able to find the answer among one of the thirty-two definitions for ADR at However, if it isn't listed, check out this site with 86 abbreviations for ADR and over 250 acronyms:
ADR -Transport of dangerous goods. Vehicle and driver must be licensed- UN = the number (code) of dangerous goods specified.SDR -Transport of extremely dangerous goods.
The numbers you see on dangerous goods eg UN1409 are United Nations designations. So every country in the world uses the same number for that specific consignment of dangerous goods (DG). These can be found in publications like ADR volumes for road and rail and the IATA for movement by air.
Depending on circumstances, ADR may stand for Address.
Accord Dangereuse Routiers
It can stand for a lot of different things. Most likely American Depository Receipt. Other contenders include Alternative Dispute Resolution or a type of filming technology.
There is a company called Road Safe Europe. They provide a variety starter and refresher courses ranging from £318-£530 depending on the course content. The company is a member of The National Dangerous Goods Training Consortium. The company is based in Southhampton, Hampshire, UK.
ADR = Average Daily Rate
no,adr is not artificial currency and sdr is the artificial currency.
The average daily rate (or ADR) for hotels in Singapore was up by 6.6% from 2011 to 2012. Events such as the Singapore Airshow helped to boost the ADR.
No. Forms of ADR include negotiation, mediation, arbitration etc. Tribunals may however adopt these ADR processes in the course of resolving disputes.