A cylindrical metal object sticking out of the bottom of the trailer at the front of it.
Well not exactly like it but League Of Legends is kinda like it look at the trailer you'll agree they also have competitions.
I would look at fleettruckparts.com. They have everything you would need from bumpers to condensers. If you don't like what they have there, look on eBay.
what do you mean by titles? like her music titles?
you can't find it here but what you can do is look on the leader boards then look at hit titles and emblems and there you go
Typically horses won't load into trailer because they look like small dark caves, which frighten horses.
a trailer is like an entrance or sneak to a house
Just look at your trailer. There's a decal with the pinout on it.
Take little clips of the movie you want or from other movies that look like what happens in the movie you are doing.
If I remember correctly then I believe the song that was played in the trailer is: "When I Look At You" by Miley Cyrus
it depends what you want it to look like. I would recommend that you do. www.facesreunited.webs.com and you will find more information about this subject
As long as you are pulling a trailer (like a boat trailer or horse trailer), and it is hitched to an insured vehicle, as a rule you aren't required to carry extra coverage. If it's an RV motorized trailer, then you need coverage just like any vehicle.