

Best Answer will help you learn what is needed in order to start a career in trucking. Swift Trucking will help you, for example, find a school where you can learn how to drive a truck, so you can get your CDL.

The first step in getting started in a career of trucking is to enroll in a trucking program. You will have to take a training course in not only the driving aspects but safety as well. When completing the course you will then have to apply for a CDL license in order to drive a big truck.

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Q: What do I need to know to get started in a career in trucking?
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If you're driving a regular pick-up truck, you need your regular driver's license. If you want to drive bigger trucks, like semis, then you need a CDL, which stands for Commercial Driver's License.

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Would a trucking job be a good fit for someone who likes to drive?

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