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after a legal process the lender can both sue and have you arrested.

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Q: What can happen if you hide a vehicle from the repossession agent in NewYork?
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What can happen if you hide a vehicle from the repossession agent in Mississippi?


What can happen if you hide a vehicle from the repossession agent in new york?

You will get arrested because the government can track you down. BEWARE!

How long will a repossession agent search for a vehicle?

Till they find it.

Can a vehicle repossession agent legally call your job and pretend to be a cop?


How late can a vehicle payment be in Virginia before repossession?

I am a repossession agent in Virginia it takes 2-3 months of not paying before the repossession status occurs.AnswerI am a repossession agent in Virginia it takes 1 missed payment then repossession status occurs.

Can they repo another vehicle for ransom my daughter was told this by the repo man?

No. The only vehicle that can be repossessed is the vehicle for which the agent has a valid order of repossession, OR in some cases, a vehicle the agent encounters (such as reported by a camera car) in the process of locating another repossession. Anything other would be wrongful repossession or possibly grand theft auto and extortion.

Can a vehicle repossession agent take another car if the original is no longer available?


Does the lien holder have to hold your motorcycle after repossession?

After repossession, the lien holder or agent sends information on how to reclaim the vehicle; if the owner does not respond or cannot repay the outstanding debt, the agent removes all personal belongings and sells the vehicle at auction. You will then be liable for the difference in what it sells for and the balance on the loan plus repossession fees.

Can a repossession agent take a vehicle without waiting for the borrower to show proof that payments have been made?

Yes. It is perfectly legal for a repossession agent to take possession of a vehicle when they are acting on behalf of the lender. The repossession agency does not have the option of allowing the borrower to retain the vehicle even though proof is presented that payments have been rendered. Such issues are strictly between the borrower and the lender. The lender and/or court being the only parties that can rescind the repossession action.

Can a repossession agent use the permission of a 10-year-old as a legal means to take the vehicle from the garage?

No, a juvenile cannot enter into such an agreement and the repossession agent could be held legally accountable for attempting/taking part in such action.

I know where a car is hidden how do you find out the repossession agent?


Can a vehicle be repossessed if there is someone inside it?

No, that would constitute a "breach of peace" . However the repossession agent can call the police and request assistance some departments will comply, many will not due to the fact that it is a civil matter. However, if the repossession agent has a replevin order from the court the police will assist him in recovering the vehicle.