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Q: What are the function of a loader?
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To Test Your hardware on boot

What are the function of absolute loader?

1. Allocation - by programmer 2.Linking - by programmer 3.Relocation - by assembler 4.Loading - by loader.

In absolute loading scheme which loader function is performed by programmer?


What does a loader do if it finds a reference to missing function or variable?

shows eror

What are the four Function of absolute loader?

1. Allocation - by programmer 2.Linking - by programmer 3.Relocation - by assembler 4.Loading - by loader.

State the function of a loader and linker?

A loader loads software onto a computer. A linker points to software so other software knows where to find it.

What is compile-go loader?

compile and go loader is a type of loader function to have an assembler run in one part of the memory and places the assembled machine instructions,data as they are assembled,directly into their assigned memory location.

Explain the Java class Loader architecture?

basic function of class loader is to read bytecodes into array and create namespace in namespace. there are two types of class loaders: promodia class loader and class loader objects 1. promodia class loader it loads all necessary classes required for VM, it is bootstrap class loader. 2. class loader objects there are 3 class loaders AppletClassLoader, RemoteClassLoader and SecurityClassloader. Sabarish R L

What are the basic function of loader?

The basic function of a loader is to load programs or data into memory for execution by the processor. It resolves references between different parts of the program and adjusts memory address locations accordingly. It also performs necessary initialization before transferring control to the program.

What is Function of loader in system software?

Whenever the assembly program is to be executed, it has to be assembled again; Programs ...loads the first program to be run by the computer -- usually an operating system ...

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What is relocating loader?

relocating loader is loader that locates the program anywhere in the memory