If my car is repoed and the car is not worth as much as I owe am I responsible to pay the differance?
Repos are covered by a number of different laws: contract,civil and depending on the actions of those involved crimminal law.Its best to ask a specific question and perhaps someone can point you in the rightdirection.
I have no idea seeing as I live in Arizona but a look at the Better Business Bureau website should answer some of your questions.
Laws vary from municipality to municipality. Though there is no laws on the books, some police officers may pull you over and question you about it.
In the state of New York, provided there is a legal order for repossession, once the vehicle is located, it may be secured and recovered. The repossession agency has 24 hours to notify the registered owner of the repossession, but they are only required to do so by mail, and may do so to the address of record on the registration. They do not have to notify anyone at the time of repossession other than local law enforcement of jurisdiction. They must inventory and secure any property contained in the vehicle, and may charge a storage fee for that property.
Since you can post on the internet, do a search on NY gun laws.
you pay the tax of the state that you bought it in
You find a car for sale, you get the cash, and you pay for it.
As much as the repossession company charges. These are private companies with the latitude to set their own fees.
The state of NY is not going to pay for damages to your car if you hit a deer. You need to make a police report and contact your car insurance agent.
If you rent a car in MA you can not return it to NY. The car is insured in MA, so if you drive out of state they will track down the car and make you return it. If the car was rented from NY that is a whole different story. You can return it in NY if you rented from NY. I did not make this question up. I'm just giving you the answer. (I think this is a stupid question anyway.)
each state is different...in NY state it is 60 days...but the answer for your state can be found in the laws of the state...in NY it is Real Property Law