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Q: The steadiness with which a car follows the path chosen by the driver is called?
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Directional stability is said to be the steadiness with which a car?

Directional stability refers to a car's ability to maintain a straight path without constant input from the driver. It is influenced by factors such as suspension design, tire grip, and aerodynamics. A car with good directional stability will track straight and not easily drift or wander off course.

Does insurance follow the driver or the automobile?

Insurance follows the driver.

If an uninsured driver of an insured driver's car has an accident caused by another driver what will happen to the uninsured drivers license?

If the uninsured driver had the permission of the insured driver to operate the vehicle then NOTHING will happen to the uninsured driver. In fact, in this case he or she is not an uninsured driver at all. The insurance follows the vehicle first, the driver second.

What is the front part of a train called with the driver in?

The engine. The driver is called the engineer.

If an uninsured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will insurance cover the other vehicle's damage?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. So as long as the automobile is insured, so is the driver. Just make sure the driver has a valid driver's license.

If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.

What is a female driver called?

taxi woman driver,

In ma if you drive someone else's car and get a ticket who will have their insurance affected the driver or the owner of the vehicle?

Always remember insurance follows the vehicle and points follow the driver. So if they get points from the ticket it will follow the driver.

What happens if you are driving a friends car who has insurance are you covered?

As long as you have a license. The insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver.

What is a female taxi driver called?

taxi woman driver,

What is a driver of a car called?

You had the answer in your question. A driver. A person who drives.

What is a male taxi driver called?

taxi man driver