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No. You signed a reaffirmation agreement, this excluded the loan from your discharge and re-established your contractual obligation to pay for the truck. If you give it back now, it will be a voluntary repossession, it will be sold at auction, and you will be liable for the deficiency plus all costs associated with the sale. If you had not reaffirmed the truck, you could have given it back without owing a dime.

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Q: Reaffirmed my truck during Chapter 7 BK. My bureaus list the truck as included in the BK. At this point I want to give the truck back and owe no money. Is this possible?
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If the mortgage was reaffirmed but on your credit report it appears as Bankruptcy is this an error?

Yes, a reaffirmed mortgage needs to reflect the mortgage payment history before, during and after the bankruptcy proceedings. "In Bankruptcy" needs to portray only DISCHARGED BY or INCLUDED IN...Bankruptcy. Contact your mortgage company so that all of your payment history shows on all three bureaus. No. Not if it were a part of the bankruptcy filing. It may or may not be marked included in bankruptcy or reaffirmed in bankrutpcy. It will still remain on the CR for the prescribed time.

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How long is bankruptcy reported to credit bureaus?

10 years from filing. Some credit bureaus will remove a Chapter 13 after 7 years, but the law allows 10 years for all chapters.

Can you legally request to have a Chapter Seven removed after almost nine years?

A Chapter seven will remain on the credit report for ten years. You can always request, legally or informally. But the law states that bankruptcy may remain on your credit report for 10 years from the date of filing. The time limit is strictly adhered to by the credit bureaus for Chapter 7 bankruptcies. The bureaus are much more flexible with Chapter 13. These can, by law, remain for 10 years. But it is customary for them to be shielded from view after 7.

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A chapter 11? A farm? Bankruptcies are not "seen" by credit reporting bureaus, they just report them. They can see them any time by logging on to a bankruptcy court web site with their log-in info. They can only report bankruptcies up to 10 years after the filing date.

If the mortgage on your home was not reaffirmed after bankruptcy can the mortgage holder report on your credit report?

I can only speak from my own experience. It does indeed appear on our credit report and also states that the mortgage company is filing a claim against us--even though we did not reaffirm the loan. Completely wrong and I've disputed it many times with ALL the credit bureaus but they will not remove it. I'm not sure if there's a government organization that can help force the mortgage company to report correctly to credit bureaus or one that can force the credit bureaus to actually DO an investigation when you dipute it. No win situation, I'm afraid

Why were you turned down for a free report when ALL required info was included in the request?

It is possible that the information may have not been verifiable. Since the rise of identity theft, everyone including the credit bureaus have taken extra precautions. My advice is to try again. Make sure you include your full name, your current address and past if you have not been at your present address over 2 years, your birthday and your social security number. If you included all this information before, please indicate that to the bureaus. If you still have trouble receiving your free credit report, please contact me at

How many credit bureaus are there?

There are 3 credit bureaus

What must a business do in order to begin reporting customer credit information to the bureaus?

A business needs to apply for membership with the credit bureau (or bureaus) with whom the business wishes to provide customer credit information. Each of the three (3) major credit bureaus provides a mechanism for a business to join and begin leveraging credit reporting services. The web pages to do so for each of the reporting agencies are included as related links for this question.

How do you remove a chapter 7 bankruptcy from your credit report?

Chapter 7 stays on report for 10 yrs. If after this contact the bureaus directly by mail. The addresses and more info. on this can be found at (Federal Trade Commission) website. Also at site. These sites are great for consumer info.

Where is it possible to find an inexpensive credit check report?

It is possible to receive a free credit check report once a year from each of the three credit bureaus. It can be be found directly though the company's website like Experia.

Are there bedroom bureaus with locking drawers?

yes there are locking bureaus which usually come seperate but ready for install.