it's original song by Royksopp Good luck
you will have to be a good driver and be able to know navigation.
1 - driving long distances 2 - backing up 3 - reading a map 4 - staying awake
A truck driver's salary depends on your location, but on average, a truck driver will make about $53,000 a year. If that sounds like a good amount to you, then go for it.
Ask a truck driver.
Well i live pretty good for a tow truck driver ;D
Its a very good idea to build a truck driving school. there are many students who want to be a truck driver but their is no good institute for them to learn truck driving.
Keep their truck in good working order, with proper and scheduled maintenance.
Sounds like a clear cut case of unsafe backing to me. Should be pretty easy to prove. Was a ticket issued to the truck driver and, if so, did the truck driver plead guilty? Get a good lawyer.
One of the good thing about a truck driver job is that the truck always needs to be on the road to deliver all the required goods and products. The bad side of it is that you'll be on the road for a long time.
Statistical and user-submitted salary data for truck drivers in the United States can be found at the following websites:,12.htm
A good start would be to try companies that are into logistics and express agents. Furthermore the website is a great job search website also offering jobs for a truck driver.