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If there was nothing the driver could do to avoid hitting the debris and then it struck another vehicle, then I would say 'no". If you going 70 mph on the freeway and cannot move over to another lane due to traffic, etc. there was nothing the driver could do to avoid it.

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Q: Is the driver at-fault if he hits a debris on highway?
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If a driver hits a fire hydrant on private property, then he or she is to blame. The hydrant is a stationary object that the driver should have been able to easily avoid. It is likely that, even with insurance, the driver will have to pay for any damages.

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If you have comprehensive insurance, your policy will cover the damages (less a deductable). In this case, your insurance company will sue the at fault driver. You can also sue the at fault driver for damages (if you do not have comprehensive).

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Uninsured driver hits another uninsured driverYour both out of Luck, Neither of you have insurance. Both drivers will likely be fined and both drivers will likely have their drivers license suspended.

Who pays for damage from road debris?

If road debris flies up and hits your car, 'Comprehensive' Insurance coverage will pay all but any deductible up to the limits of coverage purchased for the car.

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