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Straw can be a component used in the manufacture of biofuels, but it's not a biofuel in itself.

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Q: Is straw a biofuel
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How do you get energy from biofuel?

There are many ways in which you could get energy from biofuel. You could for example burn the biofuel substance.

What is in biofuel?

Different types of plants can be turned into biofuel

How is biofuel energymade?

Biofuel is energy made by heat.

What fuel is made from animal waste and plants?

the answer is biofuel

What plant is in biofuel?

Different types of plants can be turned into biofuel

Is biofuel green?

biofuel is green because it does not uses fossil fuels to do things.

What is the difference between straw and stover?

Straw and stover are both agricultural byproducts, but they differ in composition and usage. Straw refers to the dried stalks of cereal plants left over after grain harvesting, primarily used for animal bedding, mulching, and biofuel production. Stover, on the other hand, includes the entire above-ground plant material left in the field after harvesting, such as leaves, stalks, and cobs, and is typically used for animal feed, biofuel, and soil enrichment. In summary, straw is specifically the dried stalks of cereal plants, while stover encompasses the entire above-ground plant material after harvesting.

What effects does biofuel have?

An effect of biofuel is the high amount of water usage that is needed for biofuel producers and putting stress on fresh water supplies. Another effect higher demand for food-biofuel crops, but there will be high prices for consumers to purchase them.

What name is given to a fuel made from living organisms ( such as wood ) or their waste?

Biofuel In general terms, you're referring to a biofuel. A biofuel derived from a specific plant may have a more specific name. shut up nerd

Where does a biofuel grow?

Biofuel doesn't grow anywhere, it comes from plants that have the characteristics and compounds that enable them to be used for biofuel. Such plants include corn, canola, sunflowers, and rapeseed.

What is an example of a biofuel?

An example of a biofuel would be ethanol. A biofuel is anything that is organic, and can be grown by humans on a mass scale. Other examples are peanut oil and lamp oil.

Is coal a biofuel?
