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In Massachusetts the answer is YES. If more than one person is going to be driving your car then you have to have the appropriate insurance for that person. The laws do vary from state to state so check with your insurance company.

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Q: If someone else drives your car and gets in an accident are you responsible?
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Would I be responsible if someone else is driving my car and they get into accident?

No. The driver is responsible.

Will progressive insurance cover an accident if someone else drives your car?

If it was someone you lent your car to, then it should

Who is responsible if a person left the scence of the accident and the car was registered under someone else?

The owner of the vehicle is responsible for whatever it does unless you can prove that someone else was driving.

If I am the only one on the loan and the title of a car, am I responsible if someone else drives it and injures/kills someone in a wreck, or if it is used in a crime?

Yes of course your are responsible because your are the owner of the car

Can you be held responsible for a car accident involving a car under your policy that someone else owns?

You may be legally responsible but since the car is on your policy it is your rates that might suffer if the accident was the fault of the driver of that car.

If someone else drives your car with a valid license but no insurance of their own what happens if that driver has an accident who is responsible?

Technically, You are responsible for the car because the car insurance is in your name and not theirs. You can also go to court and they will investigate to see who should pay for accidental damages on the car but the Judge can also make the driver pay your cars insurance. It can go either way you or them depending on evidence of the accident.

If someone without a license drives a car and gets into an accident who will get in trouble?

Certainly the person that was driving without a license. It would depend on the circumstances if anyone else did.

If you driving someone else's vehicle and got into an accident but was not your fault can you file a claim through the borrowed vehicle's policy?

Only if the other persons insurance covers anybody who drives the car.

Are you responsible in Washington state if you have an event and someone else brings wine and someone has an accident and had too much alcohol in their blood?

In most states if an obviously intoxicated person continues to be served drinks and causes an automobile accident, the host/server/bartender that continued to serve drinks while knowing the person was obviously intoxicated is partially responsible and can be criminally prosecuted for the accident as well as the drunk person involved in the accident.

Who would be responsible for accident if car is in someone else's car insurance?

you would as stated in article 903.48.3 of the united states government law association

Whose liable when someone else drives your auto and has accident?

this greatly depends on your specific policy with your insurance carrier/ certain policy provisions may be required if the vehicle on the policy is being operated by someone other than the named insured.

Your car hydroplaned and someone else hit you?

Well then the hydroplaning has nothing to do with the accident maybe the hydroplaning caused the accident