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That's what liability is all about. The keyword here is liability, which covers any incidents you may be liable for. Your policy will cover the vehicle, subject to policy limits. What happens if the damage you cause exceeds your policy limits, that I am unsure of.

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Q: If I had a motor vehicle accident and have property damage liability is the other drivers vehicle covered?
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How do you use liability in a sentence?

The injury made him a liability to the squad. Liability insurance will normally pay claims by other drivers if you have an accident.

Drivers become subject to the liability insurance law when accident damages amount to how much?

Drivers become subject to the liability insurance law when accident damages amount to a state-specific threshold, commonly set at around $500. This means that drivers must carry liability insurance coverage to pay for damages they cause in an accident, once the threshold is reached.

What are the legallly-required car insurance minimums for drivers in the state of Connecticut?

Drivers in the state of Connecticut are required to carry the minimum limits of auto insurance liability at all times. Those limits are $20,000 maximum bodily injury for one person injured in an accident, $40,000 maximum for all injuries in an accident, $10,000 maximum property damage liability for one accident, and $20,000/$40,000 combined bodily injury maximum for one accident.

Drivers become subject to the liability insurance law when accident damages amount to?

You are subject to liability insurance requirements whether or not an accident occurs. An accident has nothing to do with liability requirements. You are required to have liability insurance of at least the minimum required by your state before getting into a vehicle and driving it. Driving is what triggers the law.

In Texas drivers are required by law to carry at least in automobile liability insurance for property damage.?

In Texas, Drivers are required to carry minimum liability limits for both property damage and personal injury to another.

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If you are involved in an accident and have auto liability insurance and the other driver does not what are your rights?

Liability insurance for drivers is a requirement in the state of Mississippi. The other party involved in this accident does not have insurance. I do have liability insurance. The accident was not reported although law enforcement was called and an accident report was completed. The other party now wants me to fix her automobile. What are my rights in this situation?

A Guide to Understanding Utah's Auto Insurance Requirements?

Utah residents who don't carry enough auto insurance face stiff fines and possible jail time. As a result, most Utah residents have questions about how much auto insurance they should carry before they drive a motor vehicle.Here is a quick guide that can help you understand Utah's auto insurance requirements. The guide provides details about Utah's liability, injury and property damage coverage requirements that can help drivers finding adequate auto insurance in Utah. As a result, please use this guide as an aid while searching for adequate auto insurance coverage in Utah.Utah's auto insurance laws require drivers to purchase bodily injury coverage.For example, drivers must purchase at least $25,000 of bodily injury liability coverage per each injured person that is injured in an auto accident. Moreover, drivers must also purchase at least $50,000 of bodily injury liability coverage to cover potential accident-related damages. Utah laws require drivers to purchase this coverage because Utah's auto insurance laws feature a "No-Fault" clause that allows drivers to recover damages sustained in an auto accident without having to prove who was at fault for the accident.Utah's auto insurance laws also require drivers to purchase property liability coverage.This coverage must include at least $15,000 of property damage liability coverage to cover potential accident-related property damage. This requirement was installed to provide coverage for accident-related property damage that is not covered by Utah's bodily injury liability insurance coverage requirements.Utah's auto insurance laws allow drivers to purchase supplemental auto insurance coverage.For example, drivers may purchase supplemental plans that cover personal injuries that are not covered by a third-party bodily injury liability policy. Moreover, drivers may also purchase supplemental coverage that protects them from the risks that are associated with driving near uninsured motorists. Utah drivers may also purchase a comprehensive auto insurance policy that exceeds state requirements for casualty and property damage coverage.For more details and information, please contact Utah's Insurance Department.The Utah Insurance Department may be reached during normal business hours at (801)-538-3800 or toll-free anywhere in Utah at (800)-439-3805.

Driver bacome subject to the liability insurance law when accident damages amount to?

The amount of a claim from an accident has no bearing on the drivers legal requirement for financial responsibility. All drivers are required to carry financial responsibility before they drive. whether or not they have had an accident

Get into an accident without a license will your insurance cover it?

If you are covered by an "Active" auto insurance policy then you will be covered, whether or not you have an active drivers license.

What is the minimum liability required for car insurance in California?

California's Compulsory Financial Responsibility Law requires every driver and owner of a motor vehicle to be financially responsible for their actions. The statutory minimum limits of liability auto insurance in California are 15/30/5 which breaks down as follows: Bodily Injury for $15,000 for death or injury of any one person, any one accident and $30,000 for all persons in any one accident. Property Damage of $5,000 for any one accident. When your car is in an accident for which you are found legally liable, bodily injury (BI) liability covers your liability to others for injuries to them. Property damage (PD) liability covers your liability for damage to someone else's property. All California drivers and owners must have at least the statutory limits of minimum liability insurance or an approved alternative way to pay for injury or property damage they may cause. Penalties are very severe for non-compliance with this section of the vehicle code. for more knowledge, you can contact to a good insurance company like Raisinsurance.

What does liability coverage mean?

Liability coverage covers you if you are found liable or at fault for damages. In the case of auto insurance, for example, this coverage pays for damages you cause in an accident that is you fault. This coverage will NOT cover your car damage, however. Just the other drivers car, medical bills, & other property damage.