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nothing you can do without a title in your name

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Q: I bought a truck from someone and was making monthly payments. This person was not making payments to the bank. The truck is in the process of being reposed by the bank. Can I put a lien on the truck?
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How do you find out if my house has been reposed?

If someone else is living in it

How can you find out if someone elses car has been reposed that you have a interest in but not a legal interest?


Can someone tell me where to find a mortgage calculator? is a very easy to use website that calculates your mortgage. It is simple and upfront, no tricky questions. It also compares bi-weekly payments to monthly payments. It is a free website.

What is the meaning of feduciary?

Do you mean fiduciary? If so, it means someone in whom trust has been reposed.

Where is the mortgage finder and why would someone use it?

You can find the mortgage finder online when you are trying to find out what might be your mortgage for the future and your monthly payments. It is a calculator to help figure out your costs.

What can happen if you miss time share's monthly payments?

What can happen if you miss your time share's monthly payments depends on the contract you have with the company you purchased the time share from. In most cases you can expect that eventually the time share will be repossessed by the lender and sold to someone else. You will still owe the money that remains on your contract, even if you don't have the time share any longer.

When a car is reposed how much financial responsibility does the owner have to pay back?

All, unless it was in someone else's possesion then you sue the possessor.

Can someone lease a car and someone else make the payments?

Yes, all the bank cares about is that someone is making the payments.

You have bad credit 7000 dollars for a used car can you get approved with low monthly payments?

Someone may approve you but you will have an outrageous percentage rate and your payments will be high. Safe to say with bad credit you will have payments over 500.00/month for 7,000. Try to get some of the money together or begin to repair your credit or set you sights lower for a cheaper vehicle.

You live in Florida you bought used car with an APR of 16 high monthly payments you have had the car for a year and you can not afford payments anymore Without ruined credit how can you get rid of car?

You have to sell the car. If you give it back, it will still look as a repossesion...a voluntary repossesion. You do not want someone to take over the payments,as there is no guarantee that the payments will be made on time. Sell the car or try to refinance the balance, it is the only way. Good Luck..

Is there a minimum income required to qualify for an income protection insurance?

Yes, a minimum income is required. Companies would not be able to offer protection to someone that cannot sustain monthly payments. Also credit is important.

You are not worried about your credit can they just come and get the car?

Remember, that you will be required to pay the difference in what the lender sells the car for and what the balance of the loan is. Plus you will pay any repossession fees. Having your vehicle reposed is one of the dumbest things you will ever do. Sell the car, and take out a loan on the balance owed. Let someone else take over the payments. Tak with the lender and work something out. Do not allow the car to be reposed. You say you don't care about your credit. That is good, because it will be ruined for 7 years. Which is probably a good thing. You want be taking out a loan you can't afford to repay.