My best friend is a "cabbie" he has had his bagde for 18 months and is 23. He is set for life, he has a mortgage a nice house, never skint. He leaves his house every morning and earns himself £350 a day working 6 days a week. That works out at £100,000 a year... Obviously has insurance , bills, fuel, tax. But still that's a rough idea on what you can earn. It all depends on the person if you are motivated enough there is nothing stopping you from earning top money if this field. You are never short for work in London either as you can join Radio Taxis or Com Cab and still be your own boss. I would most definatley say there are more than pros than cons....
a lot
Taxi cab drivers are not paid based on race or ethnicity. The amount earned by a cab driver will depend on the company for whom they work, the location in which they are working, and job experience.
Money, usually.
How much they make will depend upon the driver and how long they work. Taxi cab drivers receive money on the number of trips they have and their tips.
Being a cab driver can get very tiring, and dangerous. There are many cab drivers who lose money. But, many people still want to have that kind of job. To find cab jobs in London can be easy, most of the apps are with the cab drivers.
A lot
My dad works as a taxi cab and drives in a mini cab although he doesn't earn enough money through out day and night.
London Cab Drivers Club was created in 1989.
Most earn what they get from fares. Out of that they pay the cab company for use of the cab and for gas. This is not one of the best jobs.
They may make up to $100 an hour.
the cost of the train trip for the selected route