Trane heat pumps prices depend on the heating demands that the heat pump needs to meet. Trane heat pumps can vary in price from 650 dollars to over 7000 dollars depending on what you are looking for not including the cost of installation.
I know of Trane and American Standard
One can purchase replacement parts for Trane heat pumps from a few specialist sources. Among the companies that sell these parts are RepairClinic, AmericanHVACParts and Trane themselves.
never use trane, because I can't find a part to fix, they contract charge you huge.
4 tons
You can buy a new Trane Heat Pump online from Cross Heating & Cooling, Overcashier & Horst HTG, D.A. Mechanical or Reckingers Heating & Cooling. Alternatively, you can purchase this item from eBay.
Trane is a company that specializes in the manufacturing of heat pumps. They offer a wide variety of products that are designed to fit specific needs. There is no "best" model. For a complete listing of Trane products, visit the company's official website.
To find a price list for a Trane heat pump you can go to their website for information or research some information online. You can also call dealers in your area to compare pricing.
The heat pump will run around $3500 and the coil will be almost $1000. Heil is a premium brand and very expensive.
a heat pump for a pool should cost around $1500-2000 they cost approximately the same in Denver as they cost anywhere else. there are many places online where you can purchase a pump and save money such as ebay or you can try a pool specialist.
Trane XL 1200 Model Number TWX030D100A1 Serial Number R3833PJ2F Manufactured Date was September 2000