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nothing you just got hit with a tow truck you'dd be in shock

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Q: How much could you sue if a tow truck hit you?
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How much can you sue for a hit and run?

As in any law suit. You are allowed to sue for the amount of your losses, including damages and injuries.

If a persons owes on a truck and dies leaving no estate can the bank sue?

The bank doesn't need to sue. If the truck loan isn't paid the bank can/will repossess the truck.

How much can you sue for if you were hit by car as pedestrian?

Any amount you want. Doesn't mean you will get it.

What if you owe a landlord money and he steals your personal property?

You could sue him in court.You could sue him in court.You could sue him in court.You could sue him in court.

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No, their parents could easliy sue the teacher in the United States of America.

How much money can you get if you sue for getting hit in the face and getting your jaw broke?

usually about 200$

If your vehicle was hit by an uninsured vehicle that was impounded after the accident but later repossessed from the pound by the leinholder can you sue the leinholder?

You could try but I doubt you would prevail. What liability do you think the leinholder has in the accident? You need to sue the driver of the car that hit you.

Who should you sue in a car accident?

If you caused the crash, you can't sue anybody and win. You will obviously lose- you caused the accident. If you were hit by the car and were doing everything right, then sue the person who hit you.

Your truck was totaled and the person that hit you does not have enough insurance what should you do?

Sue him.A bit more:If the person who hit you doesn't have enough insurance to cover the damages to your vehicle, then your insurance should cover the balance of the costs if you have full coverage and not just liability insurance.

Who do you sue if you get hit by a car?

the insurance company!

So my friend gave me permission to drive his truck and he is with me through the entire drive time And I put a dent into the side of the door Could his parents sue me 4 not paying for the damages?

If you were driving someone else's truck and put a dent in the door, you are responsible to pay for the damages. They can sue you but you will also lose your friend. It's not worth it. Just take responsibility for what you did and do the right thing.

a friend borrowed my car which was not insured, he hit a truck n took off, i am being sued for the damages, can i sue him?

This is a complicated case. You can definitely sue your friend for the damage, but he may be able to argue that he was unaware of the fact that the car was uninsured, which would place part of the blame back on you (giving him a fair shot at paying a lesser amount; something more comparable to insurance deductible). You should have the advantage in civil court however, especially if he actually hit the truck and left the scene. Hire a lawyer.