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Any amount you want. Doesn't mean you will get it.

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Q: How much can you sue for if you were hit by car as pedestrian?
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You hit someone walking with your car and had no insurance but now you do?

If you did not have an active policy when you hit the person then you are not covered. The pedestrian can sue you for personal injury and it will come out of your pocket.

What should you do as the pedestrian who was hit by a car if police did not issue any traffic or careless driving ticket to the driver at fault?

File a claim with his insurance. Or sue.

Who do you sue if you get hit by a car?

the insurance company!

Who should you sue in a car accident?

If you caused the crash, you can't sue anybody and win. You will obviously lose- you caused the accident. If you were hit by the car and were doing everything right, then sue the person who hit you.

If you hit a parked unregistered car can you sue their insurance?

Sure you can sue anyone for anything. The question is will you win. Let's get this straight. You hit a parked car, and you want to sue the owner of that car's insurance company. And your reason is that the car was not registered. Well if the car was not registered then how did they have insurance? What does the fact as to weather the car was registered or not have to do with the accident? You hit a parked car and that means you were at fault. But you go right ahead and sue. See where that gets you.

A pedestrian walk out in the street with his headphone in this ear and go hit by a car who is at fault?

More than likely courts will point the finger at the driver unless proven that the pedestrian had intent to jump in get hit to sue. As a driver courts will indicate that you should have paid careful attention and should not have been driving fast on local roads despite that it may have been green light for you.

What can i do if the owner of a insured car hit my car but the driver is not covered?

Sue him if he hit your car and cant cover it. That is his fault for hitting you.

Can you sue a driver for killing a pedestrian?

yes if you know the pedestrian... and if you didnt know that your an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you sue a person who hit you for the loss of car value?


Can you sue if your car gets hit by another car?

if the person didn't mean to no sorry

What legal damages can pedestrian claim from being hit by a car on side of road while walking severely injuring their knee?

When a pedestrian is knocked while on a footpath, he can sue the car owner for the damages incurred in treating the injury. In most cases, a certain upkeep has to be paid for the days a person missed work just because he was in hospital. The driver's insurance (if valid) can cater for the person's injury treatment.

What will happen if i hit another car and i dont have any car insurance?

They will sue the owner of the vehicle.