That depends on the specifications of the crane. The largest crane in the world is capable of lifting 20,000 Metric Tons (tonnes).
The maximum load that the crane can lift is 18 metric tons (39,690 pounds), but the crane cannot lift that much weight if the load is positioned at the end of the jib. The closer the load is positioned to the mast (center of rotation), the more weight the crane can lift safely.
Up to one ton, apparently..
The weight that an electromagnet crane can lift depends on its design and power. Small electromagnet cranes can lift a few hundred pounds, while larger industrial ones can lift tens of tons. It's important to consult the crane's specifications and limitations before attempting to lift objects.
The way they lift the load.
The pulley was discovered to lift objects that would otherwise be too heavy to lift. Much in the way a crane is used to lift cargo onto ships.
A crane is a vehicle used to lift things usually with a hook.
Birds do not lift weights.
A crane can lift heavy things higher than people can.
To lift things.
The record for the heaviest crane lift belongs to the "Taisun" crane in China, which lifted a 20,133 metric ton (44.385 million pounds) jacket in 2014.
it is used to lift stuff
Many insects can lift objects of huge weight, proportionate to their own size. An ant, for example, can lift 5 times its own body weight.