what is the price per pound for aluminum cans in Delaware
The price you get per pound of aluminum cans can fluctuate. Currently it is approximately $.30 to $.40 per pound.
50 to 60 aluminum cans per kilogram equating to approximtely 50,000 cans per tonne (1000kg) Answer: There are approximately 35 aluminum cans to a pound. As there are 2240 lbs in a ton then there are about 80,000 aluminum cans in a ton. (35 x 2240 = 78400) Aluminium is currently worth £780 per ton. This is equivalent to about 1p per can. (78000p x 78400cans = 0.99p)
31 cans equal a pound
70cent per pound
Around 105,784 cans are recycled a minute, so if you multiply that 1440 (minutes in day) about 152,328,960 cans are recycled in a day.An average of 113,204 aluminum cans are recycled every minute of every day
Has aluminum cans been four dollars per pound in San Antonio ever
4-5 cents. im guessing 5 cents per can the price for aluminum cans is .75 per 1lb
1.25 per lbs
.55 per pound