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according to what state your in, in ga as soon as work is complete and theydon,t pick-it up send them a regester letter

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Q: How long does a shop have to notify a lien holder of storage?
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What is the maximum time a nonconsensually towed car can remain in storage before the towing company can sell it in Calfornia?

Tow compies can sell your car 30-90 days. But they have to notify the state to get info on you and lien holder? run a paper ad and notify you of charges and how long it will be till sale. -They have to send you a certified letter telling you that you have 90 days to get your vehicle, and if you dont then they can file for a salvage title.But there are always those occasions where things are different. and they normally charge 2-3 dollars a day for storage.

How long after repossession of your vehicle does the lien-holder have to sell the vehicle?

Forever Adding: I believe the questioner may actually mean to say - does the lien holder have to wait to sell it. Perhaps he doesn't understand that after repossession, it is then "their", that is the lenders, vehicle.

When creditor puts lien on your home will mortgage company make you pay it or foreclose on your home?

As long as you keep making your mortgage payments the bank can't foreclose. However, you cannot refinance or sell the property until the lien is paid. If you sell, the net proceeds after paying off the mortgage would go to the lien holder to satisfy that lien.As long as you keep making your mortgage payments the bank can't foreclose. However, you cannot refinance or sell the property until the lien is paid. If you sell, the net proceeds after paying off the mortgage would go to the lien holder to satisfy that lien.As long as you keep making your mortgage payments the bank can't foreclose. However, you cannot refinance or sell the property until the lien is paid. If you sell, the net proceeds after paying off the mortgage would go to the lien holder to satisfy that lien.As long as you keep making your mortgage payments the bank can't foreclose. However, you cannot refinance or sell the property until the lien is paid. If you sell, the net proceeds after paying off the mortgage would go to the lien holder to satisfy that lien.

How long can a buy here pay here dealer hold your car after repo?

A car dealer can hold a repo as long as he is the lien holder on the title.

How long can a lien last on a property in Missouri?

A lien can be placed on a property in the United States when a person owes a creditor a sum of money. In the state of Missouri, a lien can be on the property for ten years.

Does a deed for property complete ownership if it hasn't been recorded yet in NJ?

No. Only you and the grantor know you own the property. You need to record your deed in the land records to notify the public that the land has a new owner. If someone records a lien against the record owner before you record your deed the land will be subject to that lien as long as your deed has not been duly recorded.No. Only you and the grantor know you own the property. You need to record your deed in the land records to notify the public that the land has a new owner. If someone records a lien against the record owner before you record your deed the land will be subject to that lien as long as your deed has not been duly recorded.No. Only you and the grantor know you own the property. You need to record your deed in the land records to notify the public that the land has a new owner. If someone records a lien against the record owner before you record your deed the land will be subject to that lien as long as your deed has not been duly recorded.No. Only you and the grantor know you own the property. You need to record your deed in the land records to notify the public that the land has a new owner. If someone records a lien against the record owner before you record your deed the land will be subject to that lien as long as your deed has not been duly recorded.

How long can a lien be held against a corporation if its dissolved?

a dissolved corporation is not a corporartion. a superior court judge will hear any case to see if the "veil" of the corporation can be punctured. If so, the lien holder can sue the officers separately.

How long does it take to pay a lien?

a lien lasts against real property for 10 years and remains a personal debt against the person for 20 years, in most states. if you wish to pay off a lien, that can be done very quickly. if you wish to pay off a lien, what you must do is request a payoff letter from the cerditor or holder of the lien, then pay that sum to them, and get a satisfaction of lien, or release of lien from the creditor to file with the county clerk as soon as possible

How long does the company have after the car is sold to sue for amount owed on car?

This is an almost impossibility, unless the title has been doctored. If "the company" sold person A the car, the title contains that company's name as a lien holder, which means that the car cannot be transferred to another person without the approval of "the company". Look at a car title from a dealership, for example, and see what color it is. Then look at a title for a vehicle that is paid for and is free and clear. The dealership title has the dealership name on it as the lien holder, different color title. The free and clear title has no lien holder and is a different color. If a car has been sold with a lien holder, person A is responsible for payment for the car, regardless of who is driving it.

How do you file mechanics lien for unpaid auto repairs in Nevada?

MECHANICS LIENS FALL UNDER TEXAS PROPERTY CODE 70.001. YOU MUST NOTIFY THE REGISTERED OWNER, LIEN HOLDER (IF ANY) AND THE PERSON WHO BROUGHT THE VEHICLE IN FOR REPAIR, BY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECIEPT. THIS NOTICE IS SENT AFTER THE 30 TH DAY THE REPIARS ARE COMPLETEDED. FORCLOSURER ON THE LIEN IS ON THE 31 ST DAY AFTER THE NOTICES ARE SENT.ALSO NOTE THE VEHICLE MUST REMAIN AT YOUR PLACE OF BUSSINESS OR A STATE LIC. STORAGE FACILITY. YOU MAY NOT ACCEPT PARTIAL PAYMENTS.The above is only a partial answer!On the 31st day of the sent notification the possessory lien holder must take any correspondence to the local Count Tax Assessor's Office and they notify the Registered and Lien Holder. After 31 days you can conduct a Lien Sale if you are a registered auto repair facility.It's much easier to have a Lien Service do the work because it can be quite time

How long dose it take to get a pink slip from the DMV?

Takes 2-3 weeks. The bank or lien holder has to sign off on the car.

Can you sell a vehicle with a lien on the title?

Legally No. How can you sell something you do not own. As long as there is a lien, you do not own the vehicle outright. Go see the lender and get a lien release, if you no longer have a loan on the vehicle. Remember the lender is part owner of the vehicle until you make that last payment. If you clear the lien buy using the proceeds from the sale, you can guarantee a title within 30 days (required by law) to the new buyer. The lien holder will then release the title.