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As long as it takes to get it back.

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Q: How long does a repo company have to take your car?
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Can the repo company take your car out of the county you live in?

Yes they can take the car were they need for safe storage. Just FYI if the repo company has the car it's no longer yours.

How long does it take to repo a car in Ohio?

That depends on several things. The first is the finance company that has the note, then the recoverey company they hire to come and get the car and the last is how long it takes to find the car. It can take a day or months.

How long does it take a repo man to repo a car in California?

A long time if you hide it well!

Can your car be repo if you have no insurance?

The repo man will not care if your car has insurance or not. If you haven't been paying for your car, the finance company or bank will take their car back.

Will someone drive by first to take pictures before they repo a car?

Perhaps, it depends on the repo company's policy.

Can the repo company take my car from my neighbor's driveway?

one word: YES

If a repo company comes to get your car can they still take your car if you pay the amount owed before they have a chance to get the car?

as long as you are in DEFAULT of the contract, they can repo the car. Dont forget the time element involved between you paying up and the repo co. being notified that you did pay. Have your reciept ready to show the repopeople that you DID pay and WHEN.

Can a repo company put a seize on your license and license plate and threaten to have you charged with a felony if caught driving the car they are trying to repo?

No, that is the job of the company that gave you the loan. The repo company can take your car the second they find it, but the real expense and trouble comes from the loan company you stole from. If you do not release the car you are in possession of stolen goods after a court judgment.

How long does it take a repo man to repo a car in nebraska?

i think its about 3 0r 4 months then they will call and ask you where can they pick up the car

Is it legal for the repo company to break into your car once it has been repossessed without a key?

The car is not yours, it belongs to whoever got the repo company to collect it. They can decide what happens to the car, if they instruct the repo company to break into it, then that's what will happen.

How long does it take for a repo of a vehicle once the account goes to the repo dept?

It can happen as soon as they find the car. Sometimes within hours.

Does a repo man hurt your car It was a front wheel drive and he pulled it alond ways down the road?

No, a repo company won't hurt your car. All they will do is take it until you make the necessary payment that is owed.